
The S3 key-value store is a root key-value store for accessing S3 buckets hosted by Amazon as well as other S3-compatible servers.

URL syntax

  • s3://bucket/path

    Specifies an Amazon S3 bucket (with the endpoint bucket.s3.amazonaws.com).

  • s3+https://host/path or s3+https://host/bucket/path

    Specifies an S3-compatible server at http://host or https://host.


    This URL syntax can ambiguously specify either:

    • a virtual hosted-style URL s3+https://host/path, where https://host refers to a single bucket, or

    • a path-style URL s3+https://host/bucket/path, where the bucket is specified as the first component of the path.

    Neuroglancer automatically detects which of these cases applies.


Supported capabilities

Byte range reads


Key listing

Supported with s3:ListBucket permission.


Currently, only anonymous access is supported.


If the Neuroglancer client itself is not hosted in the same S3 bucket, the bucket must be configured with a CORS policy such as the following:

        "AllowedHeaders": [
        "AllowedOrigins": [
        "ExposeHeaders": [
        "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000