
The Zarr data format driver provides access to Zarr version 2 and Zarr version 3 arrays, and OME-Zarr multiscale v4.0 and v5.0 arrays.

URL syntax

  • KVSTORE-URL/|zarr: (auto-detect zarr version)

  • KVSTORE-URL/|zarr2: (v2 only)

  • KVSTORE-URL/|zarr3: (v3 only)

  • KVSTORE-URL/|zarr:additional/path/

  • KVSTORE-URL/|zarr2:additional/path/

  • KVSTORE-URL/|zarr3:additional/path/

  • KVSTORE-URL/|zarr:#dimension_separator=/

  • KVSTORE-URL/|zarr2:#dimension_separator=/

Specifying an additional/path/ after the zarr URL scheme is currently equivalent to including it in the KVSTORE-URL/, but may be preferred for distinguishing the root of a zarr hierarchy from the path within it, and may be necessary to support group-level storage transformers which may be added to the specification in the future.

For zarr v2 only, if a dimension separator of / is used but not indicated in the metadata, it must be specified using the #dimension_separator=/ syntax.

The KVSTORE-URL/ must refer to a directory, and the combination of KVSTORE-URL/ and any additional/path/ after the zarr URL scheme must specify either a Zarr array or a Zarr group with OME-Zarr multiscale metadata.

Data types

Supported data types:

  • uint8

  • int8

  • uint16

  • int16

  • uint32

  • int32

  • uint64

  • float32

Coordinate spaces

Units specified by OME-Zarr multiscale metadata are supported.

Additionally, as a Neuroglancer-specific extension, dimension units may be specified using the dimension_units user attribute. For example, to specify that the voxel size is 4x5x30nm for a 3-d array, the following attribute may be set:

  "dimension_units": ["4 nm", "5 nm", "30 nm"]

Zarr v2 features

Supported compressors:

  • blosc

  • gzip

  • null (raw)

  • zlib

  • zstd

Filters are not supported.

Dimension names may be specified using an _ARRAY_DIMENSIONS attribute, as defined by xarray.

Zarr v3 features

Supported codecs:

  • crc32c (not validated)

  • blosc

  • bytes

  • gzip

  • sharding_indexed

  • transpose

  • zstd

Auto detection

  • Zarr v2 is detected automatically based on the presence of the .zarray and .zattrs files.

  • Zarr v3 is detected automatically based on the presence of the zarr.json file.